4 Ways To Show Self-Care


These days, wellness is a hot topic. Self-care has thankfully become a cultural “norm” in today’s society and we’re here to embrace it! If you are new to self-care, we have a few easy ways for you to start incorporating it into your daily life. Continue reading for our tips!

Catch Some Zzz’s

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Did you know that skipping on sleep can disrupt your productivity, make you eat larger portions, and may lead to heart disease and diabetes? Try turning off your phone, iPad, and computer at least an hour before you go to bed to help prioritize quality sleep. Our other favorite tricks to ensure a good night’s rest include using a sleep mask (like the one in our Maid-Of-Honor gift box) and utilizing lavender scent (like this candle) before heading to bed. You’ll be asleep in no time! 

Indulge in Chocolate

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When it comes to taking care of our health, eating more chocolate isn’t typically the first thing on our agenda. But did you know that having a piece of chocolate for an afternoon snack or dessert might not just be good for the soul, but may also contribute to a healthy body and mind? Chocolate is packed with nutrition, can boost your mood, and has plenty of antioxidants! Dark chocolate has the most benefits, so try adding one piece to your diet. Our favorite dark chocolate is filled by hand with a mouthwatering combination of kale crisps, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds and has no added sugars! You can find it in our Well + Fit gift box. 

Move Your Body & Sweat

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Another way to show self-care is to head outside and stretch, go for a walk, or take the stairs to elevate your heart rate and get a change of scenery. Taking your exercise outdoors can decrease stress, tension, and has many other benefits for the brain. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes, getting your body moving has tons of physical and mental perks that will keep you focused and energized throughout the day. You can even use a fitness journal to help you keep track of your progress (shop via our “Well + Fit” gift box here). 

Treat Yourself To Retail Therapy

Whether shopping for yourself or a friend, online shopping can help ease mild depression and make us more confident, according to some researchers. Science aside, treating yourself or someone to something new (and it doesn’t need to be expensive!) is a great way to put a smile on someone's face! 

At Lauren Ashley Studio, we believe in gifting for any reason - especially if that reason is to pamper yourself or a loved one. Wellness comes in many shapes and sizes, and we wanted to highlight a few of our gift boxes that can help you to relax & unwind. See below for some of our favorites!

Well + Fit, $200

Inspire that friend who is always looking for fitness inspiration with the perfect gift! This box includes a sweat towel set, water bottle, fitness journal, green tea, artisan trail mix, body polish, dark chocolate, and a floral bundle. 

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Namaste, $175

Gift some great energy to someone who needs it! This gift box has everything they’ll need to relax after a long day. 

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A Day At The Spa, $200

Can’t make it to the spa with them? Gift them a DIY “Day At The Spa” with this thoughtfully crafted gift box with everything they’ll need to make their day special. 

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You can order any of our wellness-related gift boxes here. Take care of yourself and be sure to share your #laurenashleystudio moments with us by posting on social + tagging us (@laurenashleystudio) on Instagram! 


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